How to make 1 Hour Frozen Whole Chicken with the Ninja Foodi

Cómo hacer pollo entero congelado de 1 hora con Ninja Foodi

como cocinar pollo congelado.

Cómo cocinar un pollo entero congelado en 1 hora con Ninja Foodi


  1. Vierta 1 taza de agua en Ninja Foodi y coloque el pollo entero congelado en la canasta Air Fryer. Si el pollo no cabe, retire la canasta de la freidora.
  2. Coloque la tapa de la olla a presión sobre Ninja Foodi y cocine a presión a temperatura alta durante 40 minutos. ¡Asegúrese de que la ventilación esté seleccionada para SELLAR! Después de los 40 minutos, libere con cuidado la presión y retire la tapa de cocción a presión.
  3. Aplique un poco de aceite a un lado del pollo entero, luego espolvoree un poco de sal, pimienta y un poco de su condimento para pollo favorito.
  4. Freír al aire durante 10 minutos a 400 grados. Luego voltea el pollo entero y repite el paso 3 y fríe al aire durante otros 10 minutos a 400 grados.
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6 comentarios

I wouldn’t risk it after looking at these reviews

Pauline Elley

It depends on the amount of lbs. Your chicken is. Add or subtract for weight. They very in weight. Also adjust for freezer temperature. Deep freezing runs slighly colder. Use a meat thermometer to check if cooked all the way thru. Then you get the perfect roasted chicken.


My 5lb chicken was still frozen on the inside inside after the total time. The top layer was cooked perfectly though. Went to shred it and serve it and the middle was still raw.


Well, it is the maiden voyage of my Foodie 5 in 1. The 4lb. Chicken is on pressure right now, we’ll see how it goes. Thanks for the recipe….truly appreciate it.


Unfortunately the 40 minute pressure cooking for my 6lb frozen chicken was way to long, I PR and it was already falling apart making it very difficult to turn. I still crisped it but it ended up being dry. I think I will cut back the pressure cooking to 30 min and see what happens.


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