Free Incubation Hatch Schedule Generator
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Incubator Schedule Generator
Helpful terms to understand for a successful hatch
1. Incubation: The process of keeping eggs at a controlled temperature and humidity to allow the embryo to develop and hatch into a chick. This can be done naturally by the mother hen or artificially using an incubator.
2. Incubator: A device used to artificially maintain the optimal conditions of temperature and humidity necessary for the development and hatching of eggs. Incubators vary in size, features, and capacity.
3. Humidity Control: Maintaining the correct moisture levels inside an incubator or under a brooding hen. Proper humidity is crucial for the development of the embryo and for easing the hatching process. Humidity is usually expressed as a percentage of relative humidity (% RH).
4. Temperature Regulation: The process of maintaining a constant temperature within an incubator or nesting area. The ideal temperature varies slightly depending on the species but is generally around 99.5°F (37.5°C) for chicken eggs when using a forced-air incubator.
5. Turning Eggs Eggs are turned several times a day to prevent the embryo from sticking to the shell and to promote healthy development. Automatic incubators often have a turning mechanism, while manual turning requires careful handling.
6. Candling: A method used to observe the growth and development of an embryo inside an egg. It involves shining a bright light through the egg to view its contents. Candling can help identify infertile eggs or those with developmental problems.
7. Lockdown Period: The final days of incubation when eggs should no longer be turned. This period allows the chick to position itself properly for hatching. During lockdown, the humidity is often increased to help soften the shell for the chick's exit.
8. Pipping: The first break or hole a chick makes in the shell as it begins to hatch. This is the initial stage of the hatching process, where the chick starts to break through the eggshell with its beak.
9. Zipping: After pipping, the chick continues to break the shell in a circular pattern, resembling a zipper, until it can push the shell apart and emerge. This is the final stage of hatching.
10. Brooder: An area or device that provides a warm environment for newly hatched chicks before they are able to regulate their body temperature. A brooder usually includes a heat source, bedding, food, and water.