
Safeguarding Your Chickens: X-Pest Animal Repeller Review

Safeguarding Your Chickens: X-Pest Animal Repel...

Farmer Brad

Save 40% for a Limited Time! Ends 1/10/2024 Order Here Facing the challenge of protecting chickens from nocturnal predators is a common issue for poultry owners. Finding an effective solution...

Safeguarding Your Chickens: X-Pest Animal Repel...

Farmer Brad

Save 40% for a Limited Time! Ends 1/10/2024 Order Here Facing the challenge of protecting chickens from nocturnal predators is a common issue for poultry owners. Finding an effective solution...

Recap Indiana Homesteading Conference 2023

Recap Indiana Homesteading Conference 2023

Farmer Brad

October 21-22, 2023 the 2nd annual Indiana Homesteading Conference took place at Marion County Fairgrounds. I had the opportunity to speak about The Sustainable Backyard Chicken Flock. My talk included raising...

Recap Indiana Homesteading Conference 2023

Farmer Brad

October 21-22, 2023 the 2nd annual Indiana Homesteading Conference took place at Marion County Fairgrounds. I had the opportunity to speak about The Sustainable Backyard Chicken Flock. My talk included raising...

The Ultimate Guide to Hydrating Your Flock: The Farmer Brad Automatic Chicken Waterer

The Ultimate Guide to Hydrating Your Flock: The...

Farmer Brad

Taking care of chickens can be a delightful pastime, but it can be challenging when a full-time job gets in the way. As a web developer who moonlights as a...

The Ultimate Guide to Hydrating Your Flock: The...

Farmer Brad

Taking care of chickens can be a delightful pastime, but it can be challenging when a full-time job gets in the way. As a web developer who moonlights as a...

Installing the GreenStalk Auto Watering System

Installing the GreenStalk Auto Watering System

Farmer Brad

I recently added a GreenStalk Auto Watering system to my vertical planter.

Installing the GreenStalk Auto Watering System

Farmer Brad

I recently added a GreenStalk Auto Watering system to my vertical planter.

What to Feed Your Laying Hens

What to Feed Your Laying Hens

Farmer Brad

If you scan your local feed store shelves, you may notice that there are quite a few poultry options available. Sometimes, it can be hard to know which product to...

What to Feed Your Laying Hens

Farmer Brad

If you scan your local feed store shelves, you may notice that there are quite a few poultry options available. Sometimes, it can be hard to know which product to...

Keeping Your Chickens Fed and Watered While on Vacation

Keeping Your Chickens Fed and Watered While on ...

Farmer Brad

Vacations are essential for relaxation and rejuvenation, but if you're a backyard chicken keeper, you might be wondering how to ensure your flock stays fed and watered in your absence....

Keeping Your Chickens Fed and Watered While on ...

Farmer Brad

Vacations are essential for relaxation and rejuvenation, but if you're a backyard chicken keeper, you might be wondering how to ensure your flock stays fed and watered in your absence....